Julia 常用 packages

12/28/2023 Julia

# Julia 常用 packages

# 其他外部库


GitHub - bkamins/Julia-DataFrames-Tutorial: A tutorial on Julia DataFrames package (opens new window)

# 读取 csv 文件
using CSV
using DataFrames

df = CSV.read(filename, DataFrame)

# 拷贝
df2 = copy(df)

select(df, :ColName)
# 选取多列
df[:, [:Col1, :Col2]]

replace!(df, pair)

rename!(df, :ColName => :NewColName)

VSCode 插件:Julia、Julia Formatter

GitHub - carstenbauer/JuliaUCL24: Julia for HPC Course @ UCL ARC (opens new window)

GitHub - mfherbst/julia-for-materials: Material of the seminar "Julia for Materials Modelling" (opens new window)

GitHub - Datseris/whyjulia-manifesto: Why Julia - A Manifesto. (opens new window)

CLI 生成

GitHub - comonicon/Comonicon.jl: Your best CLI generator in JuliaLang (opens new window)


The Fast Track to Julia (opens new window)


GitHub - carstenbauer/JuliaHLRS22: Julia for High Performance Computing Course @ HLRS (opens new window)

GitHub - carstenbauer/JuliaHLRS23: Introduction to Julia for High Performance Computing Course @ HLRS (opens new window)

GitHub - cpfiffer/julia-bootcamp-2022 (opens new window)

Doc 生成

GitHub - JuliaDocs/Documenter.jl: A documentation generator for Julia. (opens new window)

GitHub - JuliaMolSim/Libxc.jl: Julia bindings to the libxc library for exchange-correlation functionals (opens new window)

GitHub - omlins/julia-gpu-course: GPU Programming with Julia - course at the Swiss National Supercomputing Centre (CSCS), ETH Zurich (opens new window)

GitHub - adrhill/julia-ml-course: Julia programming for Machine Learning course at TU Berlin (opens new window)

course_julia_day/09_Useful_Packages.ipynb at master · mfherbst/course_julia_day · GitHub (opens new window)


GitHub - JuliaPhysics/PeriodicTable.jl: Periodic Table for Julians! 🔥 (opens new window)

Julia 的 ASE package 没有 Atoms 的 property


GitHub - JuliaMolSim/DFTK.jl: Density-functional toolkit (opens new window)


Introduction · DataFrames.jl (opens new window)

GitHub - bkamins/Julia-DataFrames-Tutorial: A tutorial on Julia DataFrames package (opens new window)

OhMyREPL:美化 Julia 的 REPL

GitHub - KristofferC/OhMyREPL.jl: Syntax highlighting and other enhancements for the Julia REPL (opens new window)


绘图相关: Plots

Home · Plots (opens new window)


GitHub - JuliaPy/PyPlot.jl: Plotting for Julia based on matplotlib.pyplot (opens new window)


GitHub - MakieOrg/Makie.jl: Interactive data visualizations and plotting in Julia (opens new window)

Last Updated: 7/13/2024, 7:09:02 AM