# 网页推荐
# 简历网页
GitHub - weijie-chen/weijie-chen.github.io (opens new window)、Weijie Chen (opens new window)
Zhenchao Jin (opens new window)(纯 html css)
GitHub - HugoBlox/theme-academic-cv: 🎓 无需编写任何代码即可轻松创建漂亮的学术网站 (opens new window)
Jekyll 框架:
# 相册网页
[ ] 视频 + 相册静态网页较难找(少或效果不太满足要求)
GitHub - NazaNEYn/B-W-Gallery: Photo gallery template (opens new window)
GitHub - sunbliss/photorama: "PHOTORAMA" template for Jekyll (opens new window)
gallery-template · GitHub Topics · GitHub (opens new window)
# 生日网页
# 恋爱记录网页
- GitHub - saurabhnemade/will-you-be-my-valentine: A simple application to impress your loved ones on valentines day!! (opens new window)
- GitHub - KanurkarPrateek/Valentines_Day_Proposal (opens new window)
- GitHub - nxuzy/love: love_matters (opens new window)、恋爱申请书 (opens new window)
- GitHub - xing16/ValentineDaySuprise: HMTL实现情人节告白气球,不一样的惊喜 (opens new window)
# 引导页
- GitHub - 5ime/Index: 🏠 我的个人主页,引导页 (opens new window)(个人倾向于这个)
- TonyCrane · Home (opens new window)(无源码)
- GitHub - AnkorTn/AnkorTn.github.io (opens new window)
- Home Page-fullPage (opens new window)
- 钱辉 ♥ Blog (opens new window)
- GitHub - EsunR/Blog-Index: 一个通用的个人网站的引导页、导航页模板 (opens new window)
- GitHub - NianBroken/Personal_Sakura_Guide_Page (opens new window)
- NianBroken (opens new window)
# 幻灯片 Slides
- GitHub - slidevjs/slidev: Presentation Slides for Developers (opens new window)
- 使用 reveal-md 来写 Slides - Isshiki修's Notebook (opens new window)
npm init [email protected]
注:npm init slidev@latest
[vite] Internal server error: [postcss] /@slidev/slides/2.md?vue&type=style&index=0&scoped=2e431aa8&lang.css:9:2: Unknown word
reveal-md 模板
GitHub - TonyCrane/slide-template: TonyCrane's slide template for reveal-md (opens new window)
GitHub - TonyCrane/MarkdownLecture: TonyCrane's markdown lecture for ZJU-MSC (opens new window)
# 在线 Book / 文档
GitHub - auula/typikon: Typikon lets you use markdown to write your online books. (opens new window)
Jupyter Book 形式:Built with Jupyter Book (opens new window)
Quarto Docs(基于 Pandoc):GitHub - quarto-dev/quarto-cli: Open-source scientific and technical publishing system built on Pandoc. (opens new window)
Sphinx 框架主题:
docsify:docsify (opens new window)
# 安装 mdbook
cargo install mdbook
# 初始化 project
mdbook init mdbook-demo & cd $_
# 预览
mdbook serve --open
# 其他类型博客
Obsidian 数字花园博客设置教程:使用Obsidian 打造个人数字花园完整教程 (opens new window)
# 其他
将浏览器书签导出成导航网站:Guide - Pintree (opens new window)
论文发表情况网页:GitHub - PhasesResearchLab/PublicationsList (opens new window)
- GitHub Actions 形式;需 repo 状态为 public: GitHub - linyuxuanlin/File-host: 资源共享仓库 (opens new window)
- 手动创建(需在每个文件夹目录下创建 index.html 文件):GitHub - pranabdas/drive (opens new window)
课程资料在线浏览(不是特别好用;会报错,暂无更新):GitHub - OrangeX4/GitNotes: 一个在浏览器上运行的笔记浏览应用, 用于浏览以 Markdown 书写的, 存放在 GitLab 或 GitHub 上的笔记. (opens new window)
[x] 约会日程路线静态网页模板查找?(暂无必要,写成 markdown 即可)